Our standard cleaning service provides a thorough clean of your home with a focus on maintaining cleanliness without the intense level of detail found in a deep clean. It’s perfect for regular upkeep to keep your space fresh, tidy, and comfortable.
Our standard cleaning includes:
While the standard cleaning addresses all the same areas as our deep cleaning service, it focuses on regular upkeep and is generally for spaces that aren’t heavily soiled. Expect a fresh, well-maintained home without as much heavy-duty attention to deep grime or buildup.
Additional services (available upon request):
Our standard cleaning ensures your home stays in great condition with minimal disruption, allowing you to enjoy a fresh, inviting space without the need for intensive scrubbing.
We specialize in personalizing our services to match your unique home needs. Whether life’s too hectic or you crave a spotless sanctuary, contact us now to take the first step towards a clean, calm environment you can cherish every day. Get in touch!